Business & Industry

Food service for offices and factories

Precisely because we serve same customers our meals every day,
we strive to deliver delicious tastes that employees can find something fresh and exciting.

Our Business & Industry operation provides food services for spaces in which people work such as offices and factories. We strive to deliver delicious-tasting food that people will never tire of along with fresh nuggets of joy precisely because these employees are eating the food on a daily basis. To that aim, we conduct surveys and analyze the results. We also listen attentively to customer opinions and always strive to provide menus that offer value and improve our services.

In addition to our popular regular menus, we also offer healthy menus that cater to various health-related needs, hold fun food events, collaborate with famous restaurants, and provide cozy cafes. As a food service company that is develops global operations and applies its expertise cultivated in the restaurant business in Japan, we seek to deliver the food that people want to eat today in a timely manner.

Food service for offices and factories
Solutions designed to satisfy diverse needs

Tasty food created through our company’s unique R&D prowess and our chefs’ quality expertise

We apply our unique, long-amassed expertise in research and development to propose a variety of menus to clients who outsource their company cafeteria services to us. The meals are prepared by top chefs so we are always able to achieve a high level of delicious food.

Delicious food prepared by top chefs
We are able to deliver a bountiful and varied array of delicious food thanks to our unique ability to develop menus that we can consistently polish and refine and the expertise of highly experienced and knowledgeable top chefs.
Energizing meals
We offer a full menu of ample food options that people who want to have a solid meal can enjoy. We also focus on providing a good nutritional balance.
Takeout menus
We also offer a rich menu of takeout meals and cater to the needs of various eating styles.
Catering to diverse cultural needs
We draw on our strengths as a global company to cater to customers from various different cultures by providing vegan, halal, and other dietary foods.
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Proposing spaces that maximize dining room potential

We are able to create comfortable dining environments by employing basic designs to facilitate smooth operations and utilizing our expertise in restaurant development to create the right spaces. We are here to help customers make the most effective use of their cafeteria facilities as precious assets.

Helping design and construct dining facilities
We present kitchen designs and overall proposals that break free from the conventional image of staff cafeterias and create spaces that illustrate a diverse understanding of the world.
Bakery corner
Freshly baked bread is always popular not only with meals but also as a light snack. We offer a wide variety of bakery items.
Freshly baked pizza
We plan and operate bright, open food spaces equipped with genuine pizza ovens.
Barista-service cafes
Where customers get to casually enjoy authentic coffee and sweets right there in the company.
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Helping to promote health through food

We are committed to helping employees maintain their daily health by conveying information from nationally certified nutritionists and conducting health counseling.

Extensive healthy menus
We also offer healthy menus with lower calories, carbohydrates, and fats and cater to a wide variety of different health needs.
Providing healthy menus
Kagawa Nutrition University and Compass Group Japan
This menu, supervised by the Kagawa Nutrition University, encourages naturally balanced eating habits based on the daily eating of a balanced nutrition diet. These menus can help people overcome the challenging hurdle of consistently eating well-balanced meals.
Conveying health and nutrition-related information
We regularly convey information on various health-focused themes through table-top notes, posters, and leaflets, etc.
Health counselling
Nationally certified nutritionists offer tailored advice to employees who are concerned about their eating habits and nutritional balance.
SS size rice option
In addition to our regular portion sizes, we also offer an SS size portion of rice for people who need to restrict their carbohydrate intake.
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Contact us

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