Strong focus on safety, security, and stability

As a member of the Compass Group, which operates in approximately 35 countries and regions around the world, we are implementing initiatives to deliver safety, security, and stability to customers based on international standards.

Compass Group Japan reliably operates a PDCA cycle for its management system to continuously improve issues in various aspects, such as food safety, occupational health and safety, and emergency response.

In addition, based on the Compass Group’s global “See Care Share” concept, all employees will conduct their daily work safely and foster a Safety Culture.

Food Safety

Observe the five points of food safety and avoid the three hazards

We have defined the following as the five points of food safety:

① Always stay clean and healthy
② Thoroughly manage temperatures and time
③ Prevent cross-contamination, etc.
④ Clean, wash, and sterilize equipment and utensils
⑤ Act based on knowledge of handling allergenic ingredients

We have established rules and regulations for each of them, and we are working every day to minimize the effects of microorganisms, chemicals, and foreign substances, which are the three factors that can cause harm.

Initiatives for ISO 22000 Activities

In December 2023, our head office and 24 business and industry sites acquired ISO 22000 certification, and we operate other sites with similar management standards.

ISO 22000 is an international standard for food safety management systems that incorporates HACCP's food hygiene management methods to ensure the safe management of food.

Implementing Critical Control Point (CCP) Monitoring

At Compass Group Japan, we set Critical Control Points 1 through 4 based on the results of hazard analyses.

We are committed to all areas of compliance, including thorough monitoring and record-keeping.

Food Safety Management Utilizing Digital Technology

We have introduced a food labeler that can manage the expiration date of opened ingredients and foods by scanning a QR code.

Digital technology also supports the maintenance of accurate temperature records and CCP management.
In the event of an abnormality, alerts are automatically sent to the site and head office for a prompt response.

Hygiene Inspections Utilizing Third-party Specialists and In-house Expert Teams

Utilizing a third-party specialist organization, we regularly conduct HACCP inspections, such as checking overall food safety and conducting bacteriological tests at all sites, to ensure we provide safe meals by addressing any identified issues.

In addition to HACCP inspections, our own team of experts conduct audits by our own team of experts. We are able to conduct timely audits and provide guidance from a different perspective, and address issues from identification to root cause analysis and preventive measures to follow up with sites.

Occupational Health and Safety

Initiatives for ISO 45001 Activities

In March 2017, our head office acquired ISO 45001 certification.

ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. By promoting continuous occupational safety and health management, we are implementing efforts to prevent work-related accidents, promote the health of workers, further advance the creation of a comfortable work environment, and improve the occupational safety and health standards at sites.

Occupational Accident Prevention

All employees are informed about the locations, equipment, and utensils in the kitchen that may pose a danger. Rules are established for each task that could be a potential hazard, and we are working on accident prevention.

Ensuring that Employees Work in Good Health

We encourage employees to stretch at the start of their shift so that they feel in good shape to start their tasks for the day.

We also conduct annual medical examinations and stress checks to support the health of our employees.

Continuous Training for Accident Prevention

Compass Group Japan aims to achieve zero occupational accidents through monthly hazard prediction training (“kiken yochi” training: KYT). We distribute teaching materials to all sites, and work to improve their ability to identify and resolve risk factors and potential dangers in the workplace.

Emergency Response

In the event of an accident or disaster, we work together with our clients in order to respond promptly and restore operations as quickly as possible.

Our emergency response measures are based on our Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to ensure that we can continue to provide meals services.

Safety Culture

Training Initiatives

Safety-related training for all employees is provided on a regular basis, beginning when employees join the company.

We place an emphasis on detailed training, such as monthly tests to confirm safety-related rules aimed at improving the safety knowledge of each employee. This training is taken by employees at all sites, including head office.

Safety-related Manuals and Handbooks

We have prepared manuals on food safety, occupational safety, and fire prevention to ensure thorough compliance with rules.

In addition, we distribute the Safety Handbook to all employees, which summarizes various manuals, so that employees can learn the rules in an easy-to-understand manner and conduct their work safely.

Communication between Management and Sites

In order to foster a Safety Culture, Compass Group Japan regularly sets time for management to actively communicate with sites. In line with the concept of “See Care Share,” we check the safety of our sites and the working environment through conversations and discuss potential remediation measures where necessary.

Contact us

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